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LM-ESP is pleased to announce Danton Derksen as this year’s recipient of the Mel Michener Architectural Fellowship.
The Fellowship honours one of LM-ESP’s firm founders, Mel Michener, and his many contributions to the architectural professional throughout his four-decade career. The Fellowship is presented annually to a student in their final year of the University of Manitoba’s Master of Architecture program who demonstrates the skills necessary to become a leader in the profession.
Danton presented a thoughtful, intellectual, and well-considered portfolio of work and demonstrated a broader interest in the profession with involvement in local and national industry associations, which is also a key component of the Fellowship criteria. Senior Advisor and LM-ESP past Principal Terry Danelley commented on Danton’s entry as “thoughtful and reflective of his own humanity and of the general human condition.” He also noted the candidate’s exemplary use of both physical and digital models as design and communicative tools.
“It’s very encouraging to know that some of the social issues that are really close to my heart are valued in the profession beyond academia,” shared Danton, noting the personal aspect of his submitted work. “It’s also a massive relief, I’ve had some financial turmoil over the past year, and this has lifted a huge burden that will allow me to focus and enjoy school and not have to worry about the dollars quite so much.”
Danton expressed his understanding that Mel Michener was a very influential person, both at LM-ESP and in the design community, helping to “raise up past, current and future leaders.”
“It’s really cool to be a part of that in a small way and I hope that as I continue, I honour that legacy.”
We wish to congratulate Danton as this year’s deserving, talented recipient, and applaud all candidates on outstanding design portfolios and submissions once again this year. Best of luck to all students as they move forward and prepare their thesis projects.
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